Nature Backpacks

CBRL’s Nature Backpacks aim to inspire families and individuals to experience nature through hands-on exploration.  Each kit contains various books, field guides and gadgets to help develop new skills, such as using binoculars for birdwatching, learning to draw from nature and learning how to identify wild plants and animals. The backpacks can be borrowed for free with a library card and many activities can be done in the backyard, local park or walking trail making them accessible to everyone in our community.

Nature Backpacks can be borrowed from any library branch.  There are 7 different themes to choose from.

Funding and support for Nature Backpacks was generously provided by Nova Scotia Communities, Culture & Heritage and CBRM Recreation.

CBRM Recreation



  • Discover the science of snow, learn about animals in the winter, or learn all about Winter hiking! Contains a snow-brick maker, handheld microscope and field guides and picture books.
Winter Nature Backpack


  • Learn about birds in your backyard, the forest or the beach.  Contains binoculars, bird field guides, and books about birds for kids and adults.
Birdwatching Backpack showing contents of the kit: Formac Field Guide to Nova Scotia Birds; Birdwatching kit instructions; community nature journal; 3 brochures: eastern coastal birds, Walking Trails and Outdoor Spaces of CBRM, and Eastern backyard birds; Binoculars; Bird Watching For Kids Book.
Birdwatching Nature Backpack

At the Beach

  • Discover more at the beach this year with activities and books to learn about seashore life.  Also contains beach bucket and shovels, a sandproof beach blanket and guide to the Beaches of Cape Breton.

In the Forest

  • Discover new hiking trails, learn how to identify animal tracks and learn how to respect the life of the forest and stay safe around wild animals.
Forest Nature Backpack Kit with contents on display: Hiking Trails of Cape Breton book; Forest Nature Backpack instructions; handheld magnifying glass; community nature journal; trees of Eastern canada brochure; Walking Trails and Outdoor Spaces of CBRM brochure; Animal Signatures book; Woodland and Forest children's book.
Forest Nature Backpack


  • Learn how to make a nature journal, practice pressing flowers and learn about edible wild plants! Lots of activities and recipes are included.

Night Sky

  • Learn how to use binoculars to view the night sky.  Discover more about the phases of the moon and the constellations.  Includes binoculars for star gazing.
Night Sky Nature Backpack with contents on display: Many Moons children's book; community nature journal; Night Sky nature backpack instructions;  National Geographic Pocket Guide to the Night Sky of North America book; night viewing flashlight; Night Sky binoculars; 50 Things to see with a telescope young stargazer's guide book.
Night Sky Nature Backpack


Insects are everywhere around us, learn more about the fascinating world of insects with activities, insect observation tank and in depth field guides

Insects Nature backpack with contents on display: Secret Lives of Backyard bugs book; community nature journal; insects nature backpack instructions; Smithsonian Bug Hunter children's book; butterfly net; insect observation tank; Nature Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Insects book.
Insects Nature Backpack