Relocation of Victoria North Regional Library

Why is the Library Moving?

• In spring 2024, the Municipality of Victoria County Council and Cape Breton Regional Library were notified by our current landlord, that the lease for that space would end March 31 2025. Therefore, it is necessary that to secure a new location that is ready to move into in spring of 2025.

Progress and Timeline

Community Engagement

• On August 29th, 2024, a well-attended community meeting was held, with over 60 residents present, including the Warden and several Councillors. The message was clear: a seamless transition to a new facility by or before April 2025 is vital to prevent disruption to library services.

Formation of Steering Committee

• A Steering Committee, composed of local community members and representatives from the Cape Breton Regional Library (CBRL), was established immediately after the meeting to explore relocation options. The committee is committed to supporting the library as a critical municipal service for the North of Smokey region.

Location Exploration and Proposal

• The Steering Committee examined several potential sites based on CBRL’s operational requirements. The Ingonish Volunteer Fire Hall was identified as the most suitable option, meeting all essential criteria. This “made-in-community” solution would not only serve the library’s needs but also provide benefits to the local volunteer fire department.

• The Fire Department welcomed the proposal and agreed to develop a detailed proposal, including costs, to accommodate the library.

Council Briefing and Support

• CBRL, on behalf of the Steering Committee, presented the Council with a comprehensive analysis of requirements and options, along with a recommended path forward at the September 16 council meeting. The package included letters of support from local health professionals, educators, and community leaders, emphasizing the library’s social, economic, and educational value to communities from Englishtown to Bay St. Lawrence. These stakeholders stressed the urgency of avoiding any gap in library services.

Council Response

• Victoria County Council passed a motion at the September 16 2024 council meeting to support library staff and the steering committee in the process of transitioning to a new location.

Critical Path Forward

  • November 2024: Proposal of rent costs and renovations submitted to council.
  • December 2024: Finalize agreement with the council.
  • January 2025: Lease agreement signed, and renovations begin.
  • April 2025: New library location opens.

We urge the incoming Victoria County Council to recognize the importance and urgency of this issue. The relocation of the library, which serves all North of Smokey communities—from infants to seniors—must be prioritized to ensure continuous service without interruption.


What are the requirements for a new Library Space?

In order to provide the full spectrum of library services and meet Nova Scotia’s Accessible by 2030 guidelines, the library space must have:

  • Accessible entrances
  • Accessible washroom
  • Capacity for multiple electric outlets for computers (Staff work stations, plus public access stations, plus additional outlets for charging laptops/cell phones.
  • Open floor plan with space to accommodate programs of minimum 15 people seated.
  • Minimum of 3 public access computers and space for laptop users.
  • Enough space within the library to allow for the collection, seating and ease of movement throughout the space.
  • Adequate space for staff to work comfortably and efficiently.
  • Additionally, the library and the community expressed interest in:
    • Additional space for storage of recreational equipment to loan (e.g. Walking poles, Nature Backpacks, and snowshoes.)
    • A small room for exams/quiet study/virtual meetings.
Where will the new library be?

Ingonish Fire Hall located at 35938 Cabot Trail is the anticipated future home of the library.

Was consideration given to moving the library further north, i.e. Neil’s Harbour or Cape North?

The Victoria North Regional Library Branch serves all of Northern Cape Breton from Englishtown to Bay St Lawrence.

Within this area, Ingonish is the most densely populated area and is frequently visited by residents living to the North and to the South.

The library has been in Ingonish since 1993 and maintained steady usage even when the population was decreasing.   In the past two years the branch has seen 20% increase in visits and a 26% increase in borrowing.  

At this time CBRL is focusing on growing and maintaining library service in Ingonish. 

How big will the new library be?

The new space will be larger, offering more seating and more space for library programs.

Who is leading this project?

Cape Breton Regional Library is collaborating with a community Steering Committee consisting of residents living North of Smokey and library board members. 

Who pays for a new library?

Public library operations are jointly funded by municipal and provincial funds.  However, the lease or purchase of a library facility is the responsibility of the municipality.  For this project to move forward the support of Victoria County Council and Staff is fundamental.  Victoria County will need to have the lease in place for the library to begin moving in March 2025.

How many people use the Ingonish Library?

The Ingonish library serves all of Northern Victoria county, a population of 2600 people. Since opening in 1993, it has remained a popular place for both residents and visitors to the area. Many people rely on the library for Internet access, printing and scanning in addition to borrowing books, DVDs, magazines and more recently using our Digital Library services.

Visits to the Ingonish branch have increased 20% since 2019, while the number of items borrowed has increased 26% in the same time. In 2023 Ingonish library members borrowed 6716 physical items and 3600 digital items. Thanks to the SamePage catalogue launched in 2022, library members now have access to over 1,000,000 items to borrow.

What Can I do to help?

Sign the petition

Sign the petition to show your support for a seamless transition of library services in Victoria County. Let our councilors know that maintaining this essential resource is a top priority of the residents. This petition represents the community’s commitment to preserving our library services.

Write your Councillor

Write an email to your district Councilor to let them know how important the library is to you. Tell them what you value in the library service and why it is important for the service to continue without interruption.

For contact information go to Victoria County Council website.