Borrow by Mail

Library items can be delivered to your home mailbox

About Borrow by Mail

Borrow by Mail is a free service for CBRM and Victoria County residents who live more than 15 kilometres from the nearest library.

It is also free for anyone in CBRM and Victoria County who has a disability or illness which prevents them from being able to visit a library branch.

The Borrow by Mail allows eligible library members to receive & return library material in the mail.

Canada Post Labour Disruption: We encourage people to apply for borrow by mail now. Materials will be sent in the mail when Canada Post resumes services.

Items that can be sent in the mail include:

  • Regular and large print books
  • Paperbacks
  • Magazines
  • Playaways & audiobooks on CD
  • DVDs & BluRays
  • CELA & NNELS audiobooks for people with a print disability.

Getting Started with Borrow by Mail

1. Fill in the application form and wait for library staff to contact you.

2. Request Items

Once you are registered for Borrow by Mail, you can:

  • Request items from our catalogue by placing them on hold and selecting “CBRL – Borrow by Mail” as your pick-up location.
  • Call 902-562-2028 or email with your requests.

How It Works

Items will be mailed to you. We’ll include a postage-paid return mailing label. When you are ready to return your items, place them in the shipping bag with the return mailing label in the clear label window. Follow your normal procedure for sending a package through Canada Post.

For more details read the Borrow by Mail policy

Apply for Borrow by Mail service

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Do you live more than 15 Kilometres from a Library Branch? *
Do you have a disability or illness which prevents you from visiting a library branch? *

Please read and agree to the Borrow by Mail Policy.