Code of Conduct Policy
1. Purpose
A Code of Conduct is a guide for how people must behave in a certain place. This Code of Conduct outlines the rules for how to behave when you go to the Cape Breton Regional Library (the Library) or use its services.
Everyone can use and enjoy the Library. We ask for your support in making sure that library users and staff feel safe and respected.
2. Where do we use this policy?
We use this policy everywhere the Library does its work. Here are some examples:
- In Library buildings and Bookmobile
- In the community
- Online (like social media or online Library programs)
- Communication on the phone or by email
3. Who is this policy for?
This policy is for everyone who is involved with the Library. This includes:
- Staff
- Volunteers
- Community Partners
- Contracted staff (like security or building maintenance staff)
- The general public
4. Safe and Welcoming Environment for All
Everyone has the right to be treated equitably and with respect. Everyone has the right to use the Library and its services without discrimination or harassment. The Nova Scotia Human Rights Act protects people from discrimination based on many things such as ability, race, gender, sex, and age. Everyone has the right to expect a safe and comfortable place when they go to the Library or use its services.
5. Code of Conduct
The Library’s Code of Conduct has 3 main purposes:
- To protect the rights and safety of all the people who use the Library.
- To protect the rights and safety of library staff.
- To protect the Library’s:
- Materials such as books, DVDs, and magazines
- Facilities and grounds such as building and meeting rooms
- Furniture and Equipment such as chairs and computers
a. General Information
Service dogs are welcome in the Library. Library staff may ask for an ID card from the province showing proof that the dog is registered. This is according to the Service Dog Act.
Food and covered drinks are allowed in the Library unless there is a sign saying that it is not allowed. People are expected to clean up after themselves.
Parents and guardians are responsible for supervising their children in and around the Library. Children 10 and under must be with a parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver when they are at the Library.
The Library is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal property.
b. Inappropriate Behaviour
The Code of Conduct is for everyone to follow. People are not allowed to behave in a way that prevents others from enjoying the Library or prevents the Library from conducting its business. They cannot behave in a way that puts the rights and safety of the Library users, staff, and property at risk.
The following behaviour is not allowed:
- Refusing to follow Library rules or cooperate with library staff.
- Being unreasonably loud and/or using profanity.
- Making threats.
- Treating or expressing negative views about a person or a group for reasons such as their race, age, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Getting into a physical fight or assaulting someone.
- Sexual activity, sexual harassment, or indecent exposure.
- Destroying or damaging library property.
- Entering staff-only or restricted areas without permission.
- Stealing or trying to steal from the Library or another person.
- Using and/or selling alcohol or drugs.
- Smoking, vaping, or using e-cigarettes inside the library buildings or within 4 metres (13 feet) of the building.
- Asking people for money or something else for themselves or for another cause, or selling things in and around the Library without permission.
- Sleeping. This is to help protect people’s health and safety.
- Using the library washroom for unintended purposes.
6. Applying the Code of Conduct
Library staff has the right to:
- Ask the person to change their behaviour or to leave the Library if they do not follow the Code of Conduct.
- Give the person who does not follow the Code of Conduct a warning or a suspension from the Library. Depending on the seriousness of the behaviour a suspension could be short or long term.
- Call the police if someone is doing something unsafe or not cooperating with staff.
- Ask the person to show their ID card from the province if they come in with a service dog.
If someone does something against the law, such as damaging Library material and property, they may be required to pay for repair or replacement of the damaged material or face criminal charges.
7. Appeals
If a person does not agree with their Library suspension or thinks it is unfair, they can send an appeal in writing to Library Management.
The appeal should include the following information:
- Name
- Contact information
- Location and date of suspension
- Reason for appeal
Within 10 days of the suspension, the person should send the appeal to Library Management by email at management@cbrl.ca or by regular mail at:
Library Management
Cape Breton Regional Library
50 Falmouth St.
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 6X9
The appeal does not mean the Library will change the suspension. It means that they will review the case and then decide.
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