About Spool Knitting Kit
Recommended Age 6+
In this kit you will learn how to spool knit, creating cords out of yarn! Spool knitting teaches the basics of knitting while developing skills like following patterns and hand-eye coordination. Make fun projects such as cute animals, bracelets, coasters, and more!
Your project is yours to keep.
Donations for supplies are gratefully accepted
Items included in the kit:
- Knitting spool
- 25g of Yarn (assorted colours)
- Darning needle
- Friendly Loom Instructions & Design Ideas
- STEAM Kit Information guide
Borrow a Spool Knitting Kit
The Spool Knitting Kit can be requested from the SamePage Catalogue.
Once available it can be borrowed for 3 weeks.
What is Spool Knitting?
Also known as French Knitting or corking, spool knitting is used to create cords. A spool is fitted with nails or pegs and as yarn is wrapped around pegs the cord emerges through the middle of the spool. This type of knitting has been practised for over 400 years.
Getting Started
Watch the video below or keep reading for written instructions. The Friendly Loom instruction book included in the kit also has helpful photo references and design ideas.
How to Cast On
- With the staples facing upwards, insert one end of the yarn through the hole in the centre of the spool allowing about 4 inches of yarn to hang out the other end. Tip: Use the needle included to help. Thread the yarn through the needle, then feed the needle through the spool.
- Hold the spool and the 4 inch end of yarn in one hand while you begin to wrap the long end of yarn around each staple in a counter-clockwise direction.
- Rotate the spool in a counterclockwise direction and wrap the yarn around the next staple, as in Step 2. Don’t wrap too tightly! Continue until all 4 staples have been wrapped in yarn once.
How to Spool Knit
- Once all four staples have been wrapped once and you are back to the first staple, wrap it one more time.
- Take the knitting needle and lift the bottom loop of yarn over the top, lifting it off of the staple. There should only be one stitch/loop left on the staple (the top one that you just added).
- Now you continue by holding the yarn in front of each staple and lifting the bottom loop of yarn over. Keep going in the same (counterclockwise) direction.
- Gently pull down on the 4 inch end every few stitches. Eventually, you will see the cord coming out of the bottom of the spool.
- Continue until your cord is your desired length.
- To add new yarn simply tie your new piece of yarn to your working yarn.
- When you’ve reached your desired length, you will need to cast off following directions below.
How to Cast Off
- Thread your working yarn through the needle. Then, insert the needle & attached yarn through the loop of yarn on the next staple, lifting it off of the staple.
- Repeat Step 1 until all four staples are empty. Tie off the yarn and pull it through the spool.
Additional Resources & Related Reading
Project Idea Videos
- Spool Knitted Snail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hICrjZlAvoc
- This video shows you how to make your own spool out of a cardboard tube and how to make a cute little snail.
- I-cord Projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-8wArataYk
- Phelps, Isela. Loom Knitting Primer. New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 2007.
- Loom knitting is similar to spool knitting but with looms have more pegs and can be used to make wearable garments such as scarves and hats.
- Stephens, Cassie. Stitch + string lab for kids : 40+ creative projects to sew, embroider, weave, wrap, and tie. Beverly, MA : Quarry Books, 2019.
- Includes projects for DIY looms out of cardboard, popsicle sticks, paper plates, picture frames, and straws. Also has ideas for simple embroidery, sewing, and finger knitting crafts.
These books and more can be borrowed through the SamePage catalogue:
We’d love to hear from you! Please provide us with your feedback by filling out the feedback form included in your kit, or by filling in our online survey.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is STEAM?
STEAM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. It is an approach to learning that uses these subjects as a guide to problem-solving, inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.
What are STEAM Kits?
STEAM Kits contain hands-on activities that support STEAM-based
How do I check out a STEAM Kit?
For how long can I borrow a STEAM Kit?
STEAM Kits can be checked out online through the Cape Breton
Regional Library website (www.cbrl.ca), or in person at any of our
branch locations.
STEAM Kits can be borrowed for up to 3 weeks.
How do I return a STEAM kit?
STEAM Kits can be returned to any of our branch locations. Please
bring the STEAM Kit to the circulation desk. Do not leave in the book return dropbox.
Who do I contact for more information?
If you have any questions or need assistance with your STEAM Kit,
please contact your local branch or email us at STEAM@cbrl.ca.