
Borrowing Policies

Have questions about what you can borrow? View the Library Membership information page.

Our Book Collection

Cape Breton Regional Library is part of Nova Scotia’s SamePage library catalogue. The SamePage library catalogues gives you access to almost 1,000,000 items to borrow.

You can search the Same Page catalogue for a specific title or click on the button below to browse newly added titles.

How to find books in other libraries

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the Same Page catalogue, you can try the other libraries listed below. To borrow from one these libraries you will need to fill out an interlibrary loan request.

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Staff Picks on the CBRL Book Blog

Library of Things

All Library of Things items should be returned directly to library staff. Do not return items in book drops.

If possible return the item to the branch it was borrowed from.

Only members of Cape Breton Regional Library can borrow Library of Things items.

Some items require signing borrowing agreements. Borrowers are required to return items by due date. Borrowers will be billed replacement costs for any kits or parts of kits which are not returned.

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